
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

still alive!

Still alive, and hoping my plants will be able to say the same thing -- I'm worried about the borderline plants I planted -- the jasmine, angel trumpets, hardy ginger and the gardenias. Its been an unbelievably chilly winter, with the most snow I can remember in the 20 years I've lived here. Things have calmed down (for NOW) long enough for me to actually think about future plans for my garden.

To do:
1) plant daffodils. I might actually just go to box stores after a bit and see about getting any discounted plants that are no longer blooming. I really wanted to have this done last year, and didn't, because I was tooooo pregnant and then tooooo distracted with a baby!

2) plant the tulips that have been sitting in my fridge for the better part of a year.

3) come to think of it, plant all the other bulbs that I have sitting in the garage.

4) get the MAC roses in the ground!

5) Is it to late to winter sow seeds? I hope not. After the ice thaws, I'd like to do that.

Well I can think of a lot more I want to do, but I suppose I should be realistic and stick with a manageable list for now.


  1. hi jen - i wish i had seen your post before. i'm not sure how i missed it, but i'm glad you're back. it is really hard to plan things in advance when you have a new baby. you just have to go with the flow for a 18 years! just kidding. :D i planted all my bulbs really late this year and i think the squirrels and voles ate most of them. i just hope something comes up! as far as your winter seeds i'm thinking you might not get blooms until next year if they are perennials, but they will still grow just fine. enjoy your baby -- it's such a special time. you've got the rest of your life to garden. in a couple of years your baby can "help" you!

  2. Daricica, thanks for the comment! I went ahead and crossed my fingers and threw some seeds outside, we'll see if any of it comes up. I can't wait to have my baby helping me in the garden. I'm guessing my posting will still be sporadic, but hopefully I will be able to put up an occasional update!
